With cooler weather right around the corner, hopefully you’ve begun thinking about furnace maintenance. Some of our competitors are once again offering inexpensive furnace tune-ups. Please be aware that you get what you pay for! With Owens you will receive a comprehensive tune-up from our highly trained union technicians, and you will be made aware of any potential problems. This keeps your home comfortable and keeps you aware of upcoming repairs.
At Owens Companies, we stand by our work and employ best business practices by delivering quality service. We aren’t interested in selling our customers a furnace if they don’t need one. If your furnace is red-tagged by another company, we will provide you a second opinion for free. We are willing to stand by the service we provide, and pay our techs a fair, non-commissioned wage. Owens customers can be assured that a tune-up with our service technicians will be fair, accurate, and comprehensive.
When you call a service company, ask for a checklist of items included in their tune-up before you schedule. A discounted tune-up usually only addresses cleanliness and functionality of the furnace. However, safety concerns are often fixed at an outlandishly high rate. As a consumer, a low rate on a tune-up is attractive. However, safety fixes aren’t always included in a discount tune-up. With a low up-front cost, many of these businesses must sell more replacement products in order to make ends meet. This is often at the expense of homeowners who are surprised that their tune-up includes expensive repairs. This makes sense as a business model when employees are paid on commission. Our union techs are not paid on commission and will not recommend a replacement or repair unless it is warranted.
Here at Owens Companies, we value your business and respect your bottom line. We will never sell you something you don’t need, because that isn’t right. Our preventive maintenance plan will make budgeting easier on you when it comes time for a tune-up. Don’t be drawn in by a low-cost tune-up through a company that employs salespeople, not technicians. Here at Owens, we value the long-standing relationships we’ve built with our clients and look forward to maintaining your system with integrity.
Think of your furnace as if it were your car. If you neglect to rotate the tires and get periodic tune-ups, your car, over time, won’t run as well. And in cold weather, your furnace can run a lot! If you make the investment to take care of your furnace, it will perform better for longer. And bonus, it’ll save you from costly repairs that can easily be avoided with some planning.
It may not seem like the most exciting way to spend your hard-earned dollars. However, investing in the care and maintenance of your furnace will help you save money in the long run.
How should you invest in your furnace now to save money later?
Two words: Quality Maintenance. There certainly is maintenance you can do on your own. However, some maintenance should only be done by a contractor with TRAINED technicians. This may seem like an obvious point, however, in our neck of the woods, there are companies who will hire anyone off the street and offer to “train them on the job”. Well, having been in business for over 60 years, we know that a competent technician needs more training than that. At Owens, our technicians have a minimum of five years classroom training!
These same companies then promise to provide you a full-service check-up of your furnace for a deep discount. At face value, this may seem appealing. Who doesn’t want to save a few dollars?
There’s an old saying: “you get what you pay for”. Trained technicians, service vehicles, tools, and inventory all cost money. More money than a company can earn while giving out two-figure tune-up deals. Independent reports have been written suggesting contractors promoting this are counting on finding expensive repairs or worse- condemning perfectly good furnaces, resulting in unnecessary and expensive furnace replacements.
By hiring Owens Companies, you can expect our fully trained technicians to take their time to inspect your furnace. We take any and all of the steps necessary to ensure your entire system is running safely and properly. Our trained technicians are also able to spot potential problems that if left untouched, could become more expensive inconveniences down the road. And we do all of that without trying to sell you parts you won’t need.
Owens has stood the test of time for over 60 years. And, we’re proud to have an A+ rating from the Better Business Bureau. We stand behind our work and we will never sell you a part you don’t need or repair something that isn’t broken.
Don’t settle for a bargain. In the long run, it is your house, your family’s safety and comfort and your hard earned dollars that will benefit from selecting a quality contractor with trained technicians.